Bowed Down to the Dust

Glimpses of Steadfast Love and Faithfulness

In a series of vignettes, Nikki Hurt, a church planter's wife, and mother of five, relates the many different ways God has provided for her family as they have stepped into several ministry opportunities. With humor, candor, gratefulness, and love, Hurt invites her readers to witness what God did in her life and will do in theirs.

Great Reminder of God's Continued Faithfulness

Following God doesn't always make sense and is not always easy. In this short, but sweet book, Nikki Hurt shares her heart as she grows in her walk and understanding of who her Savior is. She is open and honest as she shares her frustration and humility. What a great encouragement to see how God is always faithful.

Pastor's wife shares stories of humility and faith

Well done, Nikki Hurt! This book was short and oh so sweet! At under 90 pages, it is an easy read that can be finished in one sitting. I was weeping during the stories of hardship as I could easily see parallels in my own life. I was laughing at the innocence of the children mentioned, who were just living life with their natural curiosity and contentment, unaware of the deeper struggles of their parents. Issues of faith, trust, humility, submission and contentment abound in these pages. You will be encouraged in your walk with the Lord, the Faithful God who blends all things together for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.


A transparent look at the trials and blessings of a couple’s pursuit of the will of God for their lives. A quick read filled with stories that are both heartfelt and inspiring. Such a beautiful testimony of the Lord’s faithfulness!

Real & Relatable

Nikki writes in a way that draws you in and you can feel what she is feeling. It's real and raw. I think many people will find themselves connecting to her stories of sorrow mixed with joy.


The Hurts testimony to God's faithfulness was so encouraging. We sometimes fail to see God's hand in the every day situations and circumstances but He is there and is working in ways we can't imagine. Read this book and be encouraged.


This book is full of heartwarming stories of the Lord’s faithfulness to this family. Anyone who picks it up to read will find themselves inspired and encouraged. It is a quick, but poignant, read.


About the Author

Nikki Hurt, a pastor's wife and mother of five children, lives with her family in northern Indiana. Her husband Ben pastors Gospel Community Church, which they planted together in the fall of 2020 after being sent by Gospel City Church. She homeschooled her children for many years, teaching writing in various co-ops, before beginning her position as a 6th grade English teacher at the school most of her children now attend.


Purchase Bowed Down to the Dust Here:


A transparent look at the trials and blessings of a couple’s pursuit of the will of God for their lives. A quick read filled with stories that are both heartfelt and inspiring. Such a beautiful testimony of the Lord’s faithfulness!

Real & Relatable

Nikki writes in a way that draws you in and you can feel what she is feeling. It's real and raw. I think many people will find themselves connecting to her stories of sorrow mixed with joy.


The Hurts testimony to God's faithfulness was so encouraging. We sometimes fail to see God's hand in the every day situations and circumstances but He is there and is working in ways we can't imagine. Read this book and be encouraged.


This book is full of heartwarming stories of the Lord’s faithfulness to this family. Anyone who picks it up to read will find themselves inspired and encouraged. It is a quick, but poignant, read.

Pastor's wife shares stories of humility and faith

Well done, Nikki Hurt! This book was short and oh so sweet! At under 90 pages, it is an easy read that can be finished in one sitting. I was weeping during the stories of hardship as I could easily see parallels in my own life. I was laughing at the innocence of the children mentioned, who were just living life with their natural curiosity and contentment, unaware of the deeper struggles of their parents. Issues of faith, trust, humility, submission and contentment abound in these pages. You will be encouraged in your walk with the Lord, the Faithful God who blends all things together for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.

Great Reminder of God's Continued Faithfulness

Following God doesn't always make sense and is not always easy. In this short, but sweet book, Nikki Hurt shares her heart as she grows in her walk and understanding of who her Savior is. She is open and honest as she shares her frustration and humility. What a great encouragement to see how God is always faithful.


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